
Seleksje fan siliconen sealen moatte omtinken jaan oan wat wichtich is?

Sa't wy allegearre witte, enerzjybesparjende doarren en finsters binne oer it generaal gearstald út fiif dielen. Sa as profilen, hardware accessoires, glass and sealing strips, and processing technology. In the window frame, fan and glass, relying on the flexibility of the prominent silicone seal, it is closely connected to become one.
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PU Wetter Seal Strip
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What should be noted in the selection of silicone seals?

1. Importance of materials
High-grade energy-saving doors and windows are mostly EPDM, Sanduping and other materials, and some manufacturers will also choose high-quality and reasonable silicone seals. These seals are rubber systems, which are far superior to traditional PVC (plastic system) seals in performance and service life.
2. The Importance of Mouth Design
Silicone seals are continuous extrusion products. According to the physical properties of the formula (such as hardness, pressure change rate, ensfh.). It is very important to adjust the formula of the sealing strip and carry out the qualitative and quantitative design of the mold. Good rubber does not have a reasonable shape design, nor can it give full play to the advantages of silicone seals.
3. The Importance of Mouth Design
Silicone seals are continuous extrusion products. According to the physical properties of the formula (such as hardness, pressure change rate, ensfh.). It is very important to adjust the formula of the sealing strip and carry out the qualitative and quantitative design of the mold. Good rubber does not have a reasonable shape design, nor can it give full play to the advantages of silicone seals.
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