
고온 실리콘 식품 등급 튜브


식품 등급 실리콘 튜브




투명한, 투명한, any pantone color

Packaging Size

Cutting length:usually 100~200m/roll, or customized (1 to xx m)


가장 전문적인 실리콘 튜브 제조업체 중 하나로서, 당사의 모든 제품은 품질 검사 보고서를 통과하여 제품 품질을 보장하고 고품질 서비스를 제공합니다.




제품 설명

TOP High Temp Silicone Food Grade Tubing Manufacturer

Our factory more than 10 다년간의 생산 경험, 도매가, fast delivery,Our company mainly produces automotive silicone hose, 식품 등급 실리콘 튜브, 히터 실리콘 호스,트럭 실리콘 호스,

(Please contact us Get Free Quote Now. )

Food-grade silicone tube is made of high quality silicone raw materials, using scientific production technology, using batch method to produce raw rubber, aiming at high tear resistance and high transparency of gas-phase rubber, super high and low hardness of mixed rubber, functional mixing The silicone tube produced with the characteristics of glue, 등., this product has a wider range of adaptability.

실리콘 호스 공장

Silicone Prodcut Features

1. Food-grade silica gel is a kind of environmentally friendly silica gel, 무독성, 냄새 없는, and high in transparency;
2. 부드러운, 좋은 탄력, kink resistance and no deformation;
3. No cracking, 긴 수명, cold resistance and high temperature resistance;
4. Has higher tear strength and superior electrical properties;
5. It will not turn yellow when placed at room temperature, no frost, no whitening, no fading, no scale and no peculiar smell in the water for a long time

Food Grade Silicone Tube Prodcut Application

1. Medical equipment connecting pipelines, catheters, 등.
2. Baby bottle straws, catheters, 등.
3. Electrical equipment and other casings, profiles.
4. Tube products for food.
5. Connecting pipes for food machinery.
6. Connecting pipes and conduits for drinking,fountains,커피 포트, children’s suction cups, 등.


실리콘 제품 사양

상품명 식품 등급 실리콘 튜브
재료 100%실리콘
색상 투명한, 투명한, any pantone color
Continuous Use Temp – 60~260 ℃
경도 50~70 Shore A
Fracture strength ≥7 Mpa


자외선 방지; 야외에서도 악화되지 않습니다

내구성이 매우 뛰어남,elastic

High temperature resistant

Low temperature resistant

Tear strength ≥10 KN/m
Elongation at break ≥250%
Packaging Size Cutting length:usually 100~200m/roll, or customized (1 to xx m)


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