
260 °C Roter Silikonschlauch China Factory

Der 260°C red silicone hose is a high-temperature-resistant hose that is widely used in many industries, einschließlich Automotive, Luft- und Raumfahrt, und Industriemaschinen. This article introduces a China factory that produces high-quality 260°C red silicone hoses and discusses their features and benefits. The 260°C red silicone hose is a critical component in many high-temperature applications, and choosing a reliable manufacturer is essential to ensure the quality and durability of the product. Our China factory is a leading producer of high-quality 260°C red silicone hoses, offering a range of customization options to meet the specific needs of our customers.

The 260°C red silicone hose is an essential component in many high-temperature applications, such as in automotive, Luft- und Raumfahrt, und Industriemaschinen. Choosing a reliable manufacturer is crucial to ensure the quality and durability of the product. This article introduces a China factory that produces high-quality 260°C red silicone hoses and highlights their features and benefits.



Introduction Of 260 °C Red Silicone Hose

Der 260°C red silicone hose is a critical component in many high-temperature applications, and choosing a reliable manufacturer is essential to ensure the quality and durability of the product. Our China factory is a leading producer of high-quality 260°C red silicone hoses, offering a range of customization options to meet the specific needs of our customers.

It is also a 260°C red silicone hose that a high-temperature-resistant hose makes from silicone rubber that can withstand extreme temperatures and pressures up to 260°C. It features a smooth inner surface that minimizes fluid flow resistance and maximizes flow rates. The hose is flexible and can easily bend and mold to fit any installation requirement.

It commonly applies in many industries, such as automotive, Luft- und Raumfahrt, und Industriemaschinen, to transport hot air, Kühlmittel, and other fluids. A China factory that produces 260°C red silicone hoses offers high-quality materials, wettbewerbsfähige Preise, reliable delivery times, and customization options to meet the specific needs of customers.

260 °C Red Silicone Hose For Heater Uses

  • The most notable feature is the high-temperature resistance of up to 260°C (500°F). This makes the red silicone hose suitable for use with hot fluids, Dampf, and gases.
  • Being made of silicone rubber, the hose is resistant to a wide range of chemicals found in industrial processes. It does not absorb fluids or break down when exposed.
  • The red color indicates it is a high-temperature silicone hose. The red dye helps resist UV degradation and prolonged heat exposure compared to clear silicone hoses.

An example of a 260°C red silicone hose for heater applications is in the heating system of an industrial furnace. The furnace requires a high-temperature-resistant hose to transport hot air and gases from the burner to the furnace chamber. The 260°C red silicone hose is an ideal choice for this application due to its ability to withstand extreme temperatures and pressure.

In this example, the 260°C red silicone hose is used to connect the burner to the furnace chamber. Its flexibility allows for easy installation in tight spaces, and its smooth inner surface minimizes fluid flow resistance, ensuring optimal fluid transfer. The hose’s resistance to chemicals and oils ensures reliable fluid transfer and reduces the risk of leaks and contamination.

By using a 260°C red silicone hose in this application, the furnace system can operate at high temperatures with optimal efficiency and performance. The hose’s high-temperature resistance and durability ensure long-lasting and reliable operation, reducing maintenance and replacement costs.

260 °C Red Silicone Hose

Silicone Coolant Hose Product Features

  • (1) der Bereich der Dauergebrauchstemperatur: -60 °C ~ 260 °C;
  • (2)weich, lichtbogenbeständig, koronabeständig;
  • (3) kann sein individuell angepasst nach Kundenwunsch verschiedener Spezifikationen.
  • (4)harmlos, ungiftig, geschmacklos
  • (5)hoher Druck, Umweltschutz
  • (6) Hochwertiges Produkt

Standardfarbe: Schwarz, Rot, Blau, Weiss, grau, Grün, transparent (Andere Farben können je nach Bedarf hergestellt werden)

Silicone Coolant Hose Product Presentation

  • Unser Unternehmen kann eine Reihe von Silikon-Kühlmittelschläuchen anbieten, die im Vergleich zu anderen Kühlerschläuchen eine überlegene Haltbarkeit und langlebige Qualität bieten.
  • Wir können Sonderprodukte mit Innendurchmessern von 6 mm bis 152 mm liefern. So ist sichergestellt, dass Sie immer das perfekte Produkt für Ihre spezifischen Anforderungen erhalten.
  • Unsere Silikon-Kühlmittelschläuche bestehen aus einem speziellen 3-lagigen, mit Polyester verstärkten Silikon. Das Material wurde so entwickelt, dass es hervorragende Dichtungs- und Wärmedämmeigenschaften bietet. (Wir können auch die Anzahl der Schichten entsprechend den Kundenanforderungen anpassen, desto höher die Anzahl der Schichten, desto stärker ist der Druckwiderstand)
  • Zusätzlich zur hervorragenden Haltbarkeit, Unsere Silikon-Kühlmittelschläuche bieten außerdem eine hervorragende Haltbarkeitsleistung. Silikon hat eine ausgezeichnete Wärmewirkung, chemisch, und Ölbeständigkeit.
  • Wir können auch eine Reihe von Anschlüssen herstellen und liefern, wie z. B. LKW-Silikonschläuche, Reduzierschläuche, Silikon-Kühlerschlauch-Kits, usw.
  • Wenn Sie nicht sicher sind, welches Produkt für Ihre individuellen Anforderungen am besten geeignet ist, Sie können uns gerne kontaktieren.

Application Of 260 °C Roter Silikonschlauch China Factory

Der 260°C red Silikonschlauch from a China factory is commonly used in many high-temperature applications across various industries, einschließlich:

  1. Automotive Engines: The hose is used to transport hot air, Kühlmittel, and other fluids in high-performance vehicles, where temperatures can reach extreme levels.
  2. Aerospace Equipment: The hose is used in aircraft engines and other critical components that operate at high temperatures and pressures.
  3. Industrielle Maschinen: The hose is used in machinery and equipment that operates in high-temperature environments, such as steel mills, chemical processing plants, and foundries.
  4. Medizinische Ausrüstung: The hose is used in medical equipment, such as sterilizers and autoclaves, where high-temperature resistance is required.
  5. Food and Beverage Processing: The hose is used in food and beverage processing equipment, such as ovens, stoves, and brewing equipment, where high-temperature resistance and flexibility are essential.

In each of these applications, the 260°C red silicone hose from a China factory provides reliable and efficient fluid transfer, ensuring optimal performance and efficiency.

260 °C Red Silicone Hose

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